13. platanoides near the car park, and some fairly large field maples Acer campestre which usually are found in hedges elsewhere. The elms Ulmus species were often suffering from dutch elm disease. One or two common walnut trees Juglans regia are found here, but the best tree in the park is a lovely, large specimen of a black walnut Juglans nigra with its very large pinnate leaves. This grows next to Hylands House and is rather mysteriously labelled as a tree of heaven. The bark and the leaves of these two trees are quite different however and we checked the inside of a twig for the chambered pith which is characteristic of walnuts. We also found silver birch Betula pendula, a species of apple Malus species, hazel Coryllus avellana, alder Alnus glutinosa on an island in the lake, aspen 'Populus tremula, crack willow Salix Fragilis, and a wild service tree Sorbus Torminalis. This has leaves rather like a maple but they are arranged alternately instead of in opposite pairs. Another unusual tree growing here is the yellow buck-eye Aesculus flava. We did not see it in flower but the leaflets are stalked unlike the common horse chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum which was also found. The yellow buck- eye had been grafted onto a stock of the common horse chestnut. Some gymnosperms were noted as well. The scots pine Pinus sylvestris was commonest, but we also found the Corsican pine Pinus nigra var. maritima. A Douglas fir Pseudotsuga menziesii with its fruity smelling foliage also grows near the house, as does a Welling- tonia Sequoiadendron giganteum. This is quite a small specimen compared to "General Sherman" which is the largest, but not the tallest, tree in the world. Nearby is a cedar of Lebanon Cedrus libani with its level branches. Plenty of common yew trees Taxus baccata are found here as well as a number of cypresses. These include a Western red cedar Thuja plicata with fruity smelling foliage and the rather similar Lawson cypress Chamaecyparis lawsoniana which can be distin- guished by holding the leaves up to the light when