18. spotted woodpecker tapping on a hollow tree near Cuckoo Brook: a mallard duck and drake waddling across a horse-ride: a magpie and jay together on a path and a "frog" in a horse-shoe: for me, whilst I waited for the next group to come by, a bank vole feeding for several minutes on the grassy bank of a ditch. As I walk through the woodland of Epping Forest, accompanied by children, blackbirds hop and fly away, scolding us: blue tits, great tits and coal tits, chaffinches and greenfinches cross our path and occasionally a pair of bullfinches fly off, showing their white rumps: or a party of long- tailed tits tweek in the tree-tops. The much larger jays chatter in the bushes and the wood- pigeons flap away. On the plains magpies bounce and probe and fly off with a blue of white wing-tips (have you ever compared the magpie tail with that of the budgerigar?). I travel regularly between Sewardstone Road, Chingford and Church Road, High Beach and record the mammal deaths on my way (mostly hedgehogs and squirrels with the occasional rat and rabbit). Last Autumn I gained an unexpected reward. I thought it was a dead chicken at the roadside by Almshouse Plain and stopped to retrieve 'the carcass - no chicken this but a beautiful, plump pheasant! 'This peasant skinned it, roasted it and had it for dinner. Irene Buchan ---oOo--- Over l6 and you want to do your bit for conservation? The National Conservation Corps has conservation work camps in wildlife areas the country over. Details from Ron Allen or from the London Zoo, Regents Park.