23. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE MAMMAL GROUP - 1975 The Mammal Group held a full and varied pro- gramme of meetings in 1975. The following is a brief summary of meetings held after last year's A.G.M. On April 13th a meeting was held at Coptfold Hall by kind permission of Colonel and Mrs Upton. This meeting was the first since the demise of the Herptile Group to include reptiles and amphibians under our umbrella of study. David Scott led the meeting which consisted mainly of netting newts. About 40 smooth newts were caught and ten specimens of the rarer palmate newts were also netted. After observations were made all specimens were duly returned to their ponds. One small grass snake and a slow-worm were also seen. Badger setts were investigated but there was little evidence to show that they were occupied. Ron Allen led a small mammal trapping meeting at West Wood, Sampford, on 25th May. 76 Longworth traps were set but the catch was a little dis- appointing. However two shrews were caught, live and in perfect condition. One was a common shrew, the other probably a pygmy shrew. In the absence of mammals the insect population was investigated. Oak-bush cricket nymphs, sawflies, orange tip and green veined-white butterflies were seen. Soil borings were made and plant and bird species noted. Of the former oxlip, herb paris and twayblade were of special interest. Birds included blackcaps, turtle doves and swallows. Perhaps the most successful meeting was the all night mammal meeting held on June 14th and 15th. It was organised by David Corke but many people, too numerous to list, helped it go with a swing. After splitting into small parties to watch badger setts