24. in different parts of the county we converged on David Scott's local village hall for food and an interesting lecture on badgers given by Bob Cowlin. We then rallied through lanes, each taken a different route, to observe nocturnal mammals. We closed the meeting by watching fallow deer at Bennetts Farm. Mammals seen on this meeting included badgers, foxes, fallow deer, a shrew and hedgehogs. In order to get a more realistic idea of the mammal population at West Wood another meeting was held there in October (19th), a season when more mammals are likely to inhabit the wood. David Corke lead it and caught a fairly diverse range of small mammals thought to be fairly representative of woodland mammalian fauna. These included yellow-necked mice. On 10th January 1976 Doctor John Owen gave a very interesting, well illustrated lecture on his studies of wild game and goats in Africa. The meeting was held at the Broomfield Education Centre and closed with tea, kindly provided by Mrs Parker. ---oOo--- Answers to Fungi types (see page 6) 1. MYCENAS 2. DEATHCAP 3. MOREL 4. BRACKET 5. BOLETUS 6. EARTHSTAR 7. PARASOL 8. HYDNUM 9. CUP FUNGUS Hope to see you at the Fungus Forays for practice in the field! ---oOo---