25. REPORTS OF MEETINGS MANNINGTREE - RIVER STOUR - 7th September 1975 Over fifty Members and friends, including members of the Essex Naturalist Trust, attended this meeting. The weather was dry, fine and at times sunny. On leaving the Railway Station the party made its way to the River Stour and walked towards Flatford Mill. In a ploughed field near the station a number of Black headed Gulls, Lapwings and a few Partridge and Carrion Crows were observed. A meadow next to Borrow Pit and the sea wall was then crossed - here we were able to observe Meadow Pipits, and in some dried up ditches in the meadow some good specimens of Ranunculus sceleratus. Near here, we were also rewarded with the call of the Redshank. Lunch was taken on the sea wall, and afterwards the party made its way towards Cattawade Barrage. The tide was coming in so few Waders were seen. In spite of this, large flocks of Goldfinches were seen on the thistles, a Kingfisher was observed by one lucky group, and everyone saw at least six or eight Herons. Some members were also fortunate in observing in flight three Snipe, also two Common Sandpipers. The meeting ended at the railway station at about 3.45 p.m. A count was made of the birds seen and heard, the total being 28. M. T. Parker ---oOo--- Writtle Agricultural College Conservation Exercise Staff and students require the help of local natura- lists to assist in a wildlife survey of the college farms this summer to enable a conservation management policy to be produced. Details from Ron Allen.