26. GOLDHANGER - SUNDAY 2nd NOVEMBER 1975 Over 50 members of the Club and Essex Naturalist Trust attended this meeting. The weather was dull and overcast, but dry for the whole time on our sea wall walk. One side of the road from the church northwards was filled with Members' parked cars. At the sea wall two groups were formed, lead by M. T. Parker and I. Misselbrook. The tide was on the turn so we were lucky to see Waders and Geese returning to the exposed mud flats as the morning went on. In a field adjacent to the sea wall there were large numbers of small waders blotting out the centre of the field with their bodies giving the appearance of a light brown and white path. These birds were a mixed flock of Dunlin and probably Turnstones - a sight not to be forgotten. Before lunch was taken, Brent Geese, Dunlin, Redshank, Ring Plover and Turnstones had all been seen. Along the sea wall, a Stonechat, a Corn Bunting, were also noticed, in addition to flocks of Greenfinch and Goldfinches. On the mud flats towards Osea Island a large number of Curlew were seen, giving their plaintive and most pleasant calls. At the end of a very well attended and successful meeting it was reported that 46 different species had been seen. M. T. Parker