29. After lunch we wended our way up Old Crown Lane, noting the age of the hedges, round Bentley Corner, into Ashwells Lane. The public footpaths were unsuitable for walking owing to recent torrential rain and the many horses who are ridden along them. We glimpsed Moat House and admired the moat and swans etc. and so full circle back to Bentley Club again, when most of us were glad to see our transport home. Mrs Dark ---oOo--- Note on future meeting. MEETING AT BARTLOW, ESSEX, SUNDAY 25th APRIL The Meeting arranged at Bartlow Sunday 25th April regretfully cannot now include a visit to the East Anglia Museum. Consequent upon the sudden death of the Curator, Mr. R. Spencer Ludlow, the Museum is being moved shortly to a Private Collection near Holt Norfolk. However, the meeting will still include a visit to the Bartlow Hills area as arranged by kind permission of Brig. A. N. Breitmeyer. Meet 11.00 a.m. Bartlow Church Gate Map ref. TL 586452 Leader - Frank C. Smith, 24 Cranmer Gardens, Dagenham, or phone Botany Group Sec. Mrs Tolfree Romford 2206 Bring lunch, or if you wish attend village P.H. "The Three Hills" (Greene-King beers) ---oOo--- SUBSCRIPTIONS - E.F.C. Members - and potential members - are reminded that the current general subscription rate is £3.00p. Have you paid yours yet for 1976? If not this will be the last bulletin you will receive!!