1. BOBRON'S EDITORIAL Welcome to this issue of the Bulletin. This time we have an innovation for you For younger readers - a special section which we hope you will like and contribute to in the future. Over the last few issues we have had some splendid cover illustrations. We even had a request for an extra copy of the last one for framing. This ones no exception but when we asked a Mammal expert if a Pigmy Shrew was shown he said the way to tell was to weigh it! Our thanks to all the contributors and apologies to those who have had theirs cut or deferred to the next issue because of lack of space. Special thanks to Maureen Tolfree and Anne Holden for typing the envelopes and copy respectively. We do need another typist for the copy. Is there a volunteer please, preferably living close to Chelmsford! We of course supply an electric typwriter and paper. END OF BOBRON. PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Page Introduction to Grasses by Tony Boniface 3 Essex Marshes by Ian Misselbrook 7 Bats in Essex by Andrew McLeish 9 South America by Sue Nash 11 Three Pages for the Under 14's 13 A Walk in Epping Forest by M. Hanson 16 Bartlow Hills by Frank Smith 20 Report of Exhibitions 23 Geology Group Annual Report 1975 25