11. to say yes if I tell you there's a pub opposite the Education Centre! Andrew McLeish Illustrations by Don Chapman and Andrew Mcleish SOUTH AMERICA by SUE NASH I could hardly believe it! Here I was, sailing down the Rio Branco in the Amazon Basin, in the cool of an evening in early September 1975. After two years of writing for sponsorship, saving all spare cash, raising yet more cash, and securing projects, I was actually taking part in an expedition to the Amazon Basin. Myself and five other friends had managed to secure a lift to Manaus, which is near the meeting of the black Rio Negro and the mighty Rio Solimoes, or Upper Amazon River. Our vessel was part of a group of three barges carrying about 200 head of cattle from the newly established cattle ranches in Northern Brazil to the slaughter houses in Manaus, where the ever-expanding populace demands more and more fresh protein. Our four-day journey introduced us to the tropical jungle, and we were accompanied on several occasions by freshwater porpoises. We were also fortunate to catch a glimpse of the rare manatee one afternoon. Our expedi- tion was to last three months, and comprised three fellow ex-students from Portsmouth, who were to be responsible for the studies on birds, the maintenance of boats and various equipment, and supplies.