12. My task was to carry out the entomological studies, in particular to study various caterpillars and butterflies peculiar to South America. My interest in mammals was somewhat frustrated in the Amazon A Rare Basin, where persistent Helicopis Butterfly hunting and a reduction in the areas of tropical forest, has made them very difficult to observe. However we brought back many adventures during our three month stay in Brazil and I look forward to telling you about them on February 25th. at the Field Club meeting. ---oOo--- READING CIRCLE Will those wishing to remain on the reading circle please re-register with Mrs Dark at 74 Warescot Road, Brentwood 214797. A lot of interesting material is sent out on the circle but somebody has been holding on to the last two issues or maybe has moved without informing us, so that it has not been passed on. Others are of course welcome to register. ---oOo--- The WREN CONSERVATION Group (c/o The Passmore Edwards Museum, E.15.) is carrying out a survey of hedgehogs seen dead or alive, in the London Boroughs of Newham, Redbridge and Waltham Forest. Please send records to the Museum with date, approx. address where seen and nature of record. ---oOo---