13. THREE PAGES FOR THE UNDER l4's TRUE or FALSE ? Two Dormice were disturbed as they began their winters rest. The story goes that in their store cupboard was found: 58 hazel nuts 1,000 plum stones and a dinner plate full of parsley seed. Do you think this story is true? Try and find out how much animals store for their winter food. Let me know what you think. YOUR QUIZ 1. What is another name for a Peewit? 2. Do any butterflies hibernate? 3. How do birds care for their feathers? 4. Which small mammal eats more than its body weight each day? 5. Is a Dunnock a butterfly? 6. Name two flowerless plants? 7. Are birds colourblind? 8 Do all Fly Agaric have white patches on their caps? Send your answers to BATTERQUIZ, 6 Spurgate, Brentwood.