14. Be a Nature Detective - LOOKING AT NUTS. Animals Nuts attacked by a if you renember that their drey is untidy, and so is the work of their teeth. The nuts are usually broken from top to bottem in irregular halves and can best be seen with hazel nuts. Next Field Mice and Voles. Nuts eaten by these mammmls have an irregular hole bitten in one side (not top or bottem). Lastly Dormice. This winter hibernator makes small round holes on the rounded side of the nut and think how hard it must be to get the kernal out! Birds Nut shells wedged in a tree in some nook or cranny are the work of a Nuthatch or a the rest of the nutshell on the ground. you find the whole nut in the bark it with If is probably the remains of an inexperienced bird's attempt at dining. Nuts cut clean in half eg. a cherry stone, are probably the work of a finch with a large beak (the Hawfinch). This beak is very powerful and it has to be to crack a cherry stone which often comes off the better in the jaws of a human nutter! by Paul. An Experiment. Do some experiments in your garden this Winter. Use food colouring to colour food for the birds and see if they mind which colour they take.