15 A Night out with the Essex Field Club. On 19/20th June, with Peter our leader, we went to watch badgers at South Weald. At about 8.30pm. we got ready. Peter climbed a tree so he could see all the exits of the sett and we settled down to wait and see. As it was rather wet and chilly the badgers came out earlier than we had expected, when it was still light. First an adult badger came out and looked around to see if it was clear. Then he went back down and came out again followed by about four cubs and another adult. The cubs played and tumbled over each other, snuffling around in the earth for earthworms. Meanwhile the female was behind the sett cutting bracken for new bedding material. Finally it grew dark, and all the badgers except the male went back down the sett. Just as we were about to go, along trotted the male; he stopped, looked around and disappeared down the hole. By Simon. Food Chain - courtesy of Habitat. If you have any articles, news or questions, please write to: BATTERPAGE, 6 Spurgate, Brentwood. That is if you are under 14!