22 -presumably the Makers initials, their where- abouts - Walsall or Wigan or Warrington or What-have-you and the owning company - Great Eastern Rly and the date of manufacture (18)79. Our day ended with meeting the Brigadier on his way to the church and with him kindly allowing us to wander in the gardens of Bartlow Park where lawns and large beds of daffodils, Narcissus and specimen trees blessed our view, but alas, we didn't find Anemone Pulsatilla - for this we had to wait three weeks and travel beyond the county border to the Devil's Dyke .. but that's another's story. To close this Report we record our thanks to Brigadier Breitmeyer of Bartlow Park for his kind cooperation and to whom we send our best wishes. Frank C. Smith ---oOo--- CLAY TOBACCO PIPES IN GREAT BRITAIN by L. S. Harley Copies of the E.F.C. reprint are now available. This booklet explains the history of, and allows you to identify and date, clay pipes. Published price £1.20, plus postage. One copy may be purchased by each member at £1, post free. Apply to: P. W. Glassborow, 73 Church Hill, Loughton, Essex. Tel: 01-508-1186