included damsel flies and the Libellula Dragonfly, Orange Tip and Common Blue Butter- flies. Birds included the Green Woodpecker, Kestrel, Yellow Hammer, Gold, Green and Bull Finches, Reed Bunting and Sedge Warbler out of a total of 27 bird species. Galleywood Common was visited on July 4th. It was very hot and the Common showed many signs of the recent drought but birds were in abundance with Yellow Hammers, Linnets and Red- polls and Tree Creepers. The warning call of a Willow Warbler drew attention to a Tawny Owl. 25 bird species were noted. 12th September saw Mr Parker with 40 people at Walton-on-Naze. Late Swifts, Sand Martins and House Martins were seen though the tide was too high for Waders. Large numbers of Whinchats and Wheatears were passing through on migration, also some Cormorants, but it was the large blackberries that took most peoples' attention. Over 60 members attended the fungus foray at Mill Green, near Ingatestone on 19th September led by Mr Parker. Dry weather restricted the number of fungi and only 35 species were recorded. The commonest was Gymnophilus pene- trans growing on wood. In amongst bracken were found a number of False Chantarelle (Hygropho- ropsis aurantiaca). Lunch was taken on the Green in the sun and the specimens displayed. Of particular interest was Stropharia aeruginosa - not recorded last year. Another find of interest was Agarious campestris - later sold at 1p. per fungus. A very active slow worm was found under a Civic Amenities Act sign. 21 members were elected to the Club. A list of the fungi recorded has been sent to Mr. G. Kibby, the county recorder.