29. GEOLOGY GROUP MEETINGS 17 members met in the rain at Sheerness on 20th June to collect fossils from the London Clay at Warden Point, Isle of Sheppey. Cliff falls had removed a section of the road and after a difficult descent to the beach numerous sharks teeth, fish vertebrae, gastro- pods and plant remains were collected. 20 members visited Wrabness, Harwich and Stutton (Suffolk) on 8th August led by P. Allen and R. Coates. The Wrabness section (TM165322) showed anticlines and faulting in the London Clay. Septaria were common and some members found selenite crystals and pieces of fossil wood . Harwich foreshore provided a dozen sharks teeth and several fruits and abundant wood. The brickearth in the river cliff at Stutton (TM150330) yielded an interesting range of fossil molluscs including Bithynis tentaculata, Corbicula fluminalis, Planorbis planorbis, Unio and Hygromia hispida. MAMMAL GROUP ALL NIGHT MEETING - 19/20 Jun In the middle of what turned out to be the longest and hottest heatwave ever recorded in Britain was one night of almost continuous rain. On that night 45 people ventured out to 12 badger setts around Essex. Only 16 people saw badgers, because of the poor conditions. Back at Little Leighs for welcome food we examined the catch of two moths traps that had been running all evening. Of the hundred caught, most were Heart and Darts but also recorded were Buff and White Ermines, Large Yellow Underwings, Marbled Minors and many others. At 3.00 am those remaining drove to Saffron Walden for a dawn deer watch. Two groups saw Red Deer, and another Roe Deer in an unrecorded area. Our thanks to Bob Cowlin, David and Margaret Scott, Brian Eastcott and the many other helpers.