30. PONDS IN EPPING FOREST, 5th September 30 members met at the Epping Forest Con- servation Centre to be handed nets and jars ready to walk through the Forest to the Wake Valley Pond passing through parts of the Forest burnt in the recent fires. Compared to other ponds the Wake Valley still had plenty of water. Invertebrates found included water boatmen (Notonecta) and abundant water scorpions (Nepa cinerea) around sunken logs. These logs were also home to numerous spiders carrying egg sacs that were quite capable of walking over water. The river sponge (Spongilla ?fluviatalis) and Hydra were also found here. 100m south, a small pond provided several young newts and the introduced water fern. Back at the Con- servation Centre the catch was examined using microscopes brought along by Ken Adams. We were able to see water fleas (Sinocephalus sp. and Chydorus sp.), Copepods (Cyclops sp.) and an Ostracod Cypris sp.). Our thanks to the Warden and staff of the centre for the use of their laboratory and car park. ---oOo--- NEW MEMBERS The Club would like to extend a warm welcome to the following new members and we do hope you will come to forthcoming meetings: Mr. R. GIBB, Ramsden Bellhouse, Billericay, Gen. Mr. H. GIBB, As above, birds and general. Mr. I. RIDER, Harold Hill, mammals. Mr. M. RIDER, As above. Mammals, birds, reptiles. MS. M. JAKOBSON, Billericay. Mr. M. WALLER, Ingatestone. Mrs. J. EVANS, Ingatestone, birds, buildings. Miss C. LIPSCOMBE, Ingatestone. Mrs A. COALS, Loughton, general. Mr. H. ORTON, Leigh on Sea, geology and geog. Mrs. A. RAPER, Billericay.