1. BOBRON'S EDITORIAL Hello again. Welcome to the Spring 1977 Bulletin. We would like to draw your attention to the news given on Page 15 - a new Bird Group is being formed within the Club. We wish it well and hope you will support its first meeting and join it on subsequent occasions. We haven't included a childrens section this time because there was no response from you to the last one. If you miss the section, do tell us and we will make sure it continues in the next issue. Our thanks for another splendid cover to Lydia Malim, to all the contributors and to Anne Holden and Maureen Tolfree for the very hard work in typing the copy and envelopes. END OF BOBRON ---oOo--- PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Notes on Garden Birds by Florence Caldwell 2 Otters by Ron Allen 5 New Essex Plants by Ken Adams 9 New Essex Field Club Bird Group 15 Wildlife Sound Recording by Ron Allen 16 Reports of Meetings 26 ---oOo---