19. SONG THRUSH ANVILS Land snails often have shells which are strikingly coloured. As part of an investi- gation into why their shells should be coloured I am studying the effects of predation by Song Thrushes on several species of snails. I would be interested to know the locations of Song Thrush anvils within a ten-mile radius of Colchester. Preferably they should be anvils which have been used this year and which are readily accessible (i.e. not in private gardens). If you know of any anvils would you please let me know, giving map reference or other directions, and details of location (woodland, scrubland, grassland, etc.) and illustration your name and address. by Gordon King Dr. D. J. Heath, Department of Biology, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Park, Colchester, C04 3SQ. ---oOo--- WANTED Some living rooms around the County for informal meetings of the Club next Winter. We like to ratate our meetings around the County and it is often pleasant to have informal ones at members houses. It requires floor or chair space to squeeze in 10-15 people or more and usually a table to put a projector on (or the tea!). Contact Ron Allen, address on prog. card.