25. WILDLIFE AND ARCHAELOGY SYMPOSIA IN ESSEX Saterday 23rd April - CONSERVATION and Land Management in South Essex. At Southend Civic Centre the South Essex Natural History Society have prepared a splendid programme. Speakers include John Hunter, Countryside Officer of Essex County Council, Dr Oliver Rackham of Cambridge Uni- versity, Colin Ranson of the Nature Conservancy, Hew Watt, a well known Essex farmer and a number of other equally well known people. Information from or applications (with £1.75) to Miss MacConnell, 17 Canonsleigh Crescent, Leigh-on-Sea. Also on Saturday 23rd April is the Annual Meeting and symposium on Archaeology and the Natural Environment. Several speakers will discuss natural history, geology and soils and their inter- action with man in archaeological times particularly in South Essex. This meeting has been arranged by the Essex Archaeological and Historical Congress and full details may be had from G. E. Beck, 10 Lake Avenue, Billericay, Essex. The meeting will be held in or near Billericay. What a pity that both meetings on a similar subject should be held on the same day! Ron Allen.