28. Apology; The illustrations of the faces of the pipstrelle and Natterer's bats published in Bulletin No.15 were from drawings by the late Eric Saunders and not by D. Chapman. These, and other illustrations, were prepared origi- nally for "Notes on the Identification of British Bats" compiled by D. Chapman and produced by the Essex Field Club in March 1964. BOXING DAY RAMBLE - 26th December 1976 Betty Watts writes that 16 people turned out for this meeting. By all accounts the footpaths were rather muddy but apparently most people plodded on regardless and saw some little known parts to the north of Wickford! ---oOo--- WANTED Somebody to help enter new Nature Reserve records onto index cards. This involves typing out several sentences of data on to cards, looking up common names and checking spellings. A simple enough job. Several evenings a month would help tremendously. It also involves looking up wildlife records in the literature and entering into the card system. Nothing complicated but an interest in natural history and a little typing ability would help. Pull instruction and materials provided. Somebody living in Chelmsford or not too far away pre- ferred. Your chance to do your bit for Essex conservation without stirring outdoors. Offers of help please to Ron Allen at Broad- gates, The Street, Roxwell, Chelmsford, Essex.