30. FORTHCOMING MEETINGS SUMMARY 1977 Please see the Programme Card for details. Apr 2 Bird Songs 24 Spring Migrants 30 Fingringhoe Ranges May 7 Red Squirrels in Norfolk 8 Birds of Hylands Park 15 Hedges & Ponds, Chickney 15 Dawn deer watch 22 Mill Green birds 28 Badger Watch 29 Marks Hall Woods June 5 President's mtg. Thaxted 12 Codham Hall 19 Danbury Common Birds 25 Takeley Green Lanes 26 Norfolk Geology Jul 17 Tiptree Heath Birds 24 Dunes Flora 31 Geology of Folkestone Aug 20 Bat Netting Sep 11 Tollesbury Waders 18 Woodbridge Geology 25 Epping F. Fungus Foray Oct 16 Salt Marsh Birds Ian Misselbrook Mike Parker Ken Adams Bob Cowlin Mike Parker Ken Adams David Corke Ian Misselbrook Peter Leswell Ken Adams David Scott Ken Adams Ian Misselbrook John Fielding Peter Allen Ian Misselbrook Tony Boniface Peter Allen Ian Misselbrook Ian Misselbrook Peter Allen Geof. Kibby Ian Misselbrook All are welcome to these meetings, but for field meetings, please inform the leader that you are coming. Leaders please let us have your report of the meeting quickly for the next Bulletin. Ideas and suggestions for Winter Meetings are welcomed by the General Secretary. Published by the Essex Field Club, The Passmore Edwards Museum, London E15 4LZ, Editorial address: Bobron, 16 Bruce Grove, Chelmsford (Tel. 0245 60242). Copy for next issue please by 5th September.