1. BOBRON'S EDITORIAL A rather dull Summer we have had this year. Anyway we hope this Bulletin will cheer things up! We have a varied number for you and in particular we commend you to Eric Hooper's reminiscences of a small corner of Colchester and to Ken Adams enthusiastic botanical rarities report. Both make us feel we did not get out enough this Summer! Our thanks to all our contributors and helpers in producing this Bulletin. Please note a change of Editorial address for the next number: BOBRON, Franklyn, The Street, Great Waltham, Chelmsford. (Tel 0245 360503). END OF BOBRON. PRINCIPAL CONTENTS -------------------- Page The Essex Naturalist by David Corke 2 Plants of the Salt Marsh 3 Ten Minutes to Wait.... by Eric Hooper 9 Essex Field Club publications 15 Botanical Rarities by Ken Adams 16 Know your Mushrooms by Geoffrey Kibby 20 Reports of Club Meetings 27 Forthcoming Meetings Summary 32 ---oOo---