9. pellets sent will need to be complete and have a note of when found and the O.S. Grid Reference. Further information about remains around the nest or roosting site will be of great importance. The cost of postage of the pellets will be refunded by return of post. Thanking you for your time in reading this appeal and hoping for your help in the future. Yours sincerely, R. S. Stirman ---oOo--- TEN MINUTES TO WAIT. SO ... No prize is offered to solving the completion, origin, and date of the title of this nature note, for it refers to ten hastily swallowed minutes consumed before fulfilling an agreed venue with car and wife after the shops closed in Colchester on Friday 27th August 1976. At 17.35 I crossed the foot- bridge bearing the signboard "Plaxman's Pool. Free Fishing for Colchester Juveniles under the Age of Fifteen Years". Indeed, a succession of plops confirmed that fish were there, jumping for flies, and an excited juvenile claimed, in appropriate fisherman's style, that he had only just missed a bite from a fish, so big -, no, SO big ---, well, so big anyway. It is necessary to admit that this report is compiled from what I scrawled at the time inside the back cover of a "penny" notebook; the writing and crude shorthand are almost indecipherable, and if there were a Natural History Misdescriptions Act, it is fairly certain that its provisions would