15. ESSEX FIELD CLUB PUBLICATIONS We would like to draw members attention to the following publications of the Club which are available for sale, post free. A discount of 30% is generally given to members on these prices, where they are buying indi- vidual copies for their own use. You can order your copies from Peter Glassbbrow, 73 Church Hill, Loughton, or tel: 01-508-1186. Memoirs: Prehistory in Essex - as recorded in the Journal of the Essex Field Club (1918) 44 pp. Bound ... £1.20 The Mycetozoa - a short history of their study in Britain an account of their habitats generally and a list of species recorded from Essex (1918) 54 pp. Bound ... £1.80 The Clay Tobacco Pipe in Britain with special reference to Essex and East Anglia (1963) 40 pp. 11 figs. Reprinted 1976 with addition ... £1.30 Other Publications: British Harvest Spiders by J.H.P.Sankey 10 pp. : ... 50p The Marine Fauna of the Blackwater Estuary by D.S.Davis. 60 pp. 60p A Bryophyte Flora of Essex by A. J. Pettifer. 72 pp. ... 85p The Fungi of Epping Forest - 1970 33pp Boardman, Wilberforce & Ward .. 40p The Deer of Essex 1977, Chapman £1.00