18. encouraged Metzgeria to take hold again in Epping Forest (Strawberry Hill) and on the Little Oakley club outing, a thriving colony of Tortula ruraliformis was located on the dunes, not seen in Essex since Sherrin recorded it there in 1905. As County Recorder for High Plants, I would like to express my appreciated of the hundreds of records sent to me during the year in response to the circulation of the document "Botanical Recording in Essex". Together with printing and postage, this cost well over £100 to produce which suggests therefore that our Botanist's Newsletter No.l will have to pay for itself. This is going to be out much later than originally planned as I have had other commitments this summer. It should be ready for Christmas. X would be grateful for articles for inclusion on ecological or taxonomic topics. Would anyone like to take up my challenge for an exchange of views on transplanting? (See Botanical Recording in Essex). There will be a retro- spective charge of around 50p to cover production and postage when it finally does appear. Ken Adams ---oOo--- Wanted - several adventurous naturalists to join a Landrover safari through Kenya over Christmas. We shall be camping, purchasing our food locally and cooking over camp fires. The aim being to record both on film and sound tape something of the ecology and fauna and flora of that equatorial country. Enquiries to Ron Allen