19. SHOWS '77 We put in an appearance at three shows this summer, all in July. On the 8th a group of us were construc- ting a 25ft stand at the Dagenham Town Show, the show continuing over the weekend of 9th and 10th. The stand as usual drew large crowds of all ages to look at our frogs, toads, lizards, newts and other livestock and the many stuffed animals on loan from the Chelmsford and Essex Museum, to whom we should like to express our thanks. Nobody fell in our pond this year, but there were a few surprised and startled faces as one of the exhibits amongst the stuffed animals started to breath heavily and then proceed to walk around. For half an hour or so a real live hedgehog, brought along by David Corke, had lain as still as could be near a stuffed version of his species. Few realised he was alive until that startled cry brought eyes upon him as he started to move. David Corke and friends had been running a stand at Writtle Fete on the village green which by all accounts proved of great interest. We acknowledge the assistance of the Passmore Edwards Museum for the loan of a stuffed badger and fox. The following weekend several members put on a display at the Ingatestone Horti- cultural Show. A rather poor start, generally attributed to a lack of organisa- tion by the Club Secretary, apparently turned into a great success after he left, thanks in particular to Mary Grainer and Peter Leswell.