20. While some 35-40 members were involved in these three shows, particular mention must be made of Mary Grainer who transported vast loads of stuffed animals, dripping vegetation and display boards to and from the shows. Ron Allen ---oOo--- KNOW YOUR MUSHROOMS Everyone has at some time (I hope!) seen the Cultivated Mushroom and eaten it, and usually thereafter people are sharply divided into mushroom lovers and mushroom haters as far as taste is concerned. Beyond the shop mushroom the only wild mushroom with which most people are familiar are the Field Mushroom and the Horse Mushroom. Just what exactly they mean by these names is often very uncertain. I think most people would be surprised to learn that we have over 40 species of mushroom in this Country of which some 20 species have been recorded in Essex. Before going any further it would be as well to clarify exactly what I mean when I use the word Mushroom. I use this word in its strict sense and I mean any member of the group (called a genus) Agaricus, i.e. the shop mushroom is Agaricus hortensis and the Field Mushroom is Agaricus campestris etc. Many people, especially the Americans, use the word mushroom to refer to any edible fungus. This is not actually incorrect, just confusing. Actually the word has no true scientific meaning but is just a folk- word handed down over centuries with