2k. BIRD NOTES 1977 Winter scene - k Jan 77 Hundreds of winter Thrushes, Redwings and Fieldfares have stripped the thorn hedges of berries along the A12 and hordes more are searching for sustenance in the open fields. The harsh chatter of the Fieldfares is carried to my ears on the cold howling East wind. Black-headed Gulls and Lapwings clamour after the plough and Meadow Pipits are a common winter visitor this year. Less common are the Stonechats I saw from my cottage window and the Golden Plovers that flew over piping shrilly. Spring scene Mid March to mid May sees me dashing around "clocking in" the summer residents and migrants. First Chiff-Chaff on the 28th March, first Nightingale on 27th April and the list grows and grows. The finest spring sighting was undoubtedly a flock of seven Whimbrels flying low over Fingringhoe Wick, calling constantly. Whimbrel Ian Misselbrook