25. ANNUAL REPORTS - Mammal Group 1976 A wide variety of meetings were held throughout the year, all of which proved to be very popular. New light was shed on the more unpopular mammals by Dr. Graham Twigg and Andrew Mcliesh who gave talks on Rats and Bats respectively. Torrential rain on the only wet night of the drought period failed to spoil the Mass Badger, Moth Trapping and Dawn Deer Watch, though for a few the only mammals encountered were the hot-dogs served at Little Leighs Hall! Thanks are due to David Corke and David Scott for organizing this meeting. Small mammals were catered for by Trevor Lording with live trapping and investigations of Harvest Mouse nests, and Bob Cowlin who lead the meeting at the Backwarden Reserve, Danbury, where six Dormice were found in nest boxes. I.P.Misselbrook Mycology Report for 1976 Coming at the end of a year which was perhaps the best for holiday-makers for a century, and certainly the worst for fungi for equally as long, our Foray was surpri- singly successful. The drought did eventually end and the clouds formed at last and the fungi were quick to appear although without perhaps their usual abundance. However, enough were there on the day to make good collecting and even some rarities were found. It was particularly good for species growing on wood, with some lovely orange