26. Pholiotes especially prominent. Some of the Boletes were unusual and one was only the second record for Epping Forest, Leccinum umbrinum. The scarlet Fly-agaric toadstool was also in evidence and although a common species it still remains a firm favourite with all mushroom enthusiasts. A final total of some 45 species was recorded. With 1977 beginning as one of the wettest years on record I await, with great hopes, the next Foray! Geoffrey Kibby ---oOo--- BOOK REVIEW The Observer's Book of Mushrooms, Toadstools and other Common Fungi by W. P. K. Findlay. Published by Warne @ £1.10. ISBN 0 7232 1565 0. This is a re-written version of the Observer's Book of Common Fungi. The colour plates are the same but nearly everything else is new. This seems to be a good intro- duction for the beginner to get in time for the autumn "Foray" season. At first sight I thought £1.10 was extortionate - Observer's Books cost five shillings in my school-days! But on reflection five shillings was two week's pocket money and most of today's school children could buy this with two week's pocket money. Where else do you get a hardback book with 116 illustrations (many in colour) for this sort of price? David Corke ---oOo--- PLEASE NOTE new editorial address: Bobron, Franklyns, The Street, Great Waltham, Essex.