28. HYLANDS PARK - 8th MAY 1977 Over 50 members, friends and Y.O.C members gathered in the car park at Hylands Park for what was one of the dullest, weatherwise, Bird meetings on record. The sun never showed itself all day. The large party was divided into three groups led by M. T. Parker, M. Henry and P. Leswell. During the morning session a Tawny Owl was seen roosting in the upper branches of a Pine tree. It was given away by a nearby Song Thrush uttering "scolding" calls. A Lesser Whitethroat was heard singing in the Hawthorns nearby, but proved to be very elusive and was not seen. One group reported having seen a Black Cap and a suspected Lesser Spotted Woodpecker in flight. During the afternoon a visit was made to the Heronry, but no Herons were seen. Nearby is a Rookery so we were able to see some young Rooks and compare them with the adults. A tree to the South of the Rookery was noticed to have Mistletoe growing on it. At the end of a very interesting meeting, in spite of the dull weather, it was reported that 32 different birds had either been seen or heard. M. T. Parker MILL GREEN. NEAR FRYERNING 58 people turned out on this fine warm day and divided into three groups lead by Mr. Henry, Mr Parker and myself. Over 40 species of birds were heard or seen including one three-second snatch of Nightingale song.