Good views were obtained of Lesser Whitethroats, Tree Pipits and the exceptionally abundant Redpolls. Five species of butterflies were seen including many Brim- stones. Pignut and Germander Speedwell were among the floral highlights. Ian Misselbrook Lesser Whitethroat ---oOo--- MASS BADGER WATCH - 28th MAY 1977 This year's Mass Badger Watch proved highly successful and was well supported as usual, some 40 people watching 10 different setts around the county. The weather, which for last year's watch had been so unkind, did its best to make amends, and the evening was warm and sunny - in fact, near-perfect conditions for watching badgers. Badgers were seen at 7 of the 10 setts watched, and were heard, though not seen, at one other. Whilst badgers were not seen at either of the other two setts, both parties reported a deer sighting - one fallow and one muntjac. In all, 34 badgers were seen, leaders' reports suggesting 14 adults and 20 cubs. Our thanks to all involved (especially the badgers!) for a successful evening's watching. Peter Leswell