30. DANBURY COMMON - 19 JUN 77 A cool cloudy day enabled the party of 40 to hear more than 30 of the 40 bird species encountered still in full song. Two male Tree Pipits treated us to a fine song-flight display and Nightingales were seen by Tree Pipit (song flight) some. Speckled-yellow Moths were in flight and Celery-leaved Buttercups and Heath Bedstraw were flowering. Ian Misselbrook JUST BATS - 20th AUGUST 1977 In rapidly failing light at Rye House, near Hoddesdon, Mike Clark and Clive Brooks assembled outsize butterfly nets on 8 ft. poles and commenced to leap about, caring nought for cowpats, attempting the impossible, to snatch bats from mid-air - and succeeded! The first to appear were Serotines, accompanied at a higher level by a couple of Noctules. At this stage, first bat to Clive and first blood to the bat - Serotines bite hard! Back at Rye House we entered the sewage works. Caring nought for the dangers of the lagoons, our heroes were soon in action and in no time had secured five "Pips". Kevin Roberts, the RSPB Warden, had kindly opened up the Centre for us and here we examined, measured and released the three Serotines and five Pipistrelles. Grace and Colin Sims