1. BOBRON'S EDITORIAL Rather a slim Bulletin this time, we are afraid. Please contribute something for the next one to make it a little bit plumper] Please note the dates of the Epping Forest Centenary Symposium - see page three for details - which sounds to us a very special meeting. Many specialists in their own field will be taking part and we hope it will be well supported. Whilst on the subject of centenaries, it will be the Club's own in 1980 and Council has been giving some thought as to what form our celebrations might take. If you have any ideas please let us know. A Street Party or Chain of Bonfires, we wonder?! Our thanks are due again to our contribu- tors, and especially to Anne Holden and Maureen Tolfree for typing the copy and envelopes, respectively. END OF BOBRON ---oOo--- PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Prize Flower Quiz Epping Forest Centenary Meeting Observations at Little Leighs Binoculars and Telescopes Reports of Club Meetings Page 2 3 4 8 13 ---oOo---