2. PRIZE FLOWER QUIZ by FLORRIE CALDWELL All the answers are in "Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe" (Fitter, Fitter & Blarney), and are all the common English names of wild flowers that can (I think) be found in Essex. Use of the book should not be necessary for even non—botanists however J It is quite easy: the answer to the first one is obviously "dandelion" - the rest is up to you. A prize book token is offered for the best correct answer. So send your answers into Bobron as soon as you can. QUESTIONS 1. King of beasts in trendy gear 2. Obese fowl 3. Not the girl to joke with 4. Fruit that travels sideways? 5. Plant always ready to drop off 6. Swindling takes everything! 7. Something to keep out of! 8. Elusive anti-revolutionary 9. Haloed article 10. Short back and sides for mason? 11. Wild progeny of 2. 12. Usually old and clever 13. James Hunt does 14. Saintly skin blemish 15. Poverty-stricken bird 16. Something good to be in 17. This will puzzle everyone 18. Securing a cup to tea 19. Do try to remember --- 20. Emblem for Scottish pig? 21. Receptacle for dairy produce 22. Heavenly coward 23. Big land deal?