3. 24. Druidical Sunday best 25. Arborial weapon used gainst feathered marchers? 26. Something to keep the vixen's paws warm 27. Suitable ingredient for punters salad? 28. Canine quicksilver 29. Suitable place for horseshoe 30. Sew along the bottom and put in a safe place ---oOo--- Advance Notice of an Important E.F.C. Mtg. EPPING FOREST: ITS NATURAL HISTORY AND CONSERVATION Saturday, May 21st, 1978 Sunday, May 22nd, 1978 A weekend symposium to mark the centenary of the Epping Forest Act of 1878 and review changes in the natural history of the Forest over the past 100 years. Speakers and topics will include: DR. OLIVER RACKHAM (Corpus Christi College, Archaeology and Past Land-Use. ROBIN STURDY (Soil Survey of England & Wales) Geology and Soils. DR. KEN ADAMS (North East London Polytechnic) The Higher Plants DAVID SCOTT (President, Essex Field Club) Amphibians and Reptiles. DR. DAVID CORKE (North East London Polytechnic) Mammals.