6. the ceilings. The garden and front hedge hold Long Tailed Mice, Bank Voles and the Short Tailed Field Vole sometimes occurs in a a grassy uncultivated area. We have had Pigmy and Common Shrews in the garden although not this year. The Water Shrews which used to live in our ditch have gone as field drainage has lowered the ditch water level. Rabbits and Brown Hares are common outside the garden but moles are not as this is a mainly arable situation. A small wood along the road now houses Grey Squirrels which were not there ten years ago and Red Foxes are now very common. They have cleared all the local ponds of ducks and we are now shutting up our chickens at night again as a precaution. Hedgehogs are not common here and there are no Badgers. One large field nearby is called Brooklands but the sett at the far end of it was gassed in 1967 and has never been re-occupied. Harvest Mice are some- times found in the area by local cats and I have seen their nests in rank grassland corners and on road verges. I must not forget Stoats and Weasels which are both common here. One Stoat was seen three years ago dancing in the middle of the front lawn trying to attract our tame white pigeons down onto the ground. The only mammals I have never seen here are the Dormouse and Deer but who knows what 1978 will bring! The area is also rich in Bird life because it is a very varied habitat and includes a large reservoir stocked with trout. This water was visited by a passing Osprey five years ago causing some alarm to the fishermen stationed around the lake! Amphibians and Reptiles are rather lacking