7. here. The Common or Smooth Newt is sometimes found, and an occasional Common Lizard basks along the grassy road verge. I have never seen Frogs and Toads but we have been placing Common Frog Spawn in local ponds for four years now and are hoping to hear that familiar croaking one Spring to indicate that some have survived and established themselves. It may well be that the area is unsuitable for them but time will tell and in the meantime I live in hope. AN INTERESTING BIRD REPORT - SUMMER 1977 Mr. Alan Mackley of 8 St. James Park, Chelmsford has sent the following record to me : " Successful breeding of Redpolls took place in the back garden of 14, St. James Park (OS.TL.690 076). Their existence in this back garden (Summer 1977) became known to me only just before the two young flew. I obtained colour shots of the Male sitting on television aerials and a Juvenile on a Silver Birch in my own garden. The nest was about 3m. up in an old Apple tree, very close to the house. The garden is only some 10m. square". Redpolls are becoming a common bird of most woodland habitats visited by the Essex Field Club. This breeding record would therefore confirm their increase in range. M. T. PARKER ---oOo--- HAVE YOU PAID YOUR SUB ? £3 please to Tony Boniface, 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford.