13. REPORTS OF CLUB MEETINGS General and Presidents Meeting Thaxted Area 5th June 1977 A party of twenty members met at Thaxted and moved on to West Wood Reserve for a general ramble. Although raining fairly heavily progress was made around the reserve and a number of plants in flower were seen. The Oxslips were just off bloom but the Tway- blade Orchid was seen and a fine example of the Guelder Rose was observed in flower. We looked at several hazel nuts which had been gnawed open by Dormice and noticed that others were cracked open; possibly the work of birds. At mid-day the group moved on to Tilty Hill Farm, the property of Mr F. E. Collinson, where we had lunch. The afternoon had turned fine and sunny and we walked down the farm track to the River Chelmer and back by the road. On the way down a Fox earth and Badger sett were seen in the stream bank, both in use as fresh faeces indicated. Passing between two woods we moved along the river meadows to Tilty Mill. In a nearby stream May Flies were emerging from the water and as they ascended, were being caught by Swifts and House Martins waiting above. A number of interesting plants were recorded and a list has been sent to our plant recorder, my thanks for which are due to Astrid Klemz. D. R. SCOTT ---oOo--- HAVE YOU PAID YOUR SUBS? £3 please to Tony Boniface, 40 Pentland Avenue, Chelmsford