15. Introduction to Fungi - 17th & 18th Sep 1977 With mixed feelings about the weather, following a rather dry week, members who attended Geoffrey Kibby's course trekked off into Epping Forest, baskets in hand, to collect as many different fungi as could be found. On returning to the Conservation Centre we proceeded to make a glorious mess as we poked, prodded, cut, squashed and generally distintegrated our finds in a stirring effort to obtain the maximum knowledge. Geoffrey's extremely interesting and entertaining talks, along with practical experiments, advice and discussion made the whole weekend most enjoyable and I know we all went away feeling more confident in our knowledge of fungi and their identification. RON ALLEN RIVER STOUR - MANNINGTREE AND CATTAWADE 16th October 1977_______________________ 35 Members arrived at Manningtree Station after a very foggy drive from various parts of Essex. Many began to think that the fog and mist would not clear. Whilst waiting for all to be present, the calls of Lapwing and Mallard were heard in a ploughed field near to the Station but the birds could not be seen because of the heavy mist. By 11.45 two parties of members had been formed and were ready to move off. As soon as we had arrived by the sea wall the sun was shining and did so for the rest of the day.