17. with cocker spaniel and beagle adding to the effect. We looked so impressive that the police stopped us and asked us what we were doing! This was because the hunt was starting off from Maldon and it was thought we might be going to try to disrupt it. The first part of our walk took us through part of the town and down to a footpath by the River Chelmer, which was at low tide exposing mud on which I had seen a group of Dunlin on my practice ramble a month before. We then crossed the golf course to walk along the bank of the River Blackwater, where fresh water mussels were to be seen. Crossing the weir, the party then walked along the Chelmer and Blackwater Navigation Canal as far as Ulting. On our way we saw a pair Mute Swans and a Redshank as well as a Winter Heliotrope in flower. At Ulting, where there are gravel workings, we saw a couple of Cor- morants and a Pied Wagtail on the bridge. We then walked along the road to Woodham Walter seeing a group of Wrens, Goldfinch and Yellowhammer. We stopped at "The Cats" public house for lunch, where you can hear your Essex yokels talking in the old Essex dialect. From here we walked along the back roads to pick up a footpath to lead us to Beeleigh Abbey. Along the way we saw Redwing and Bullfinches and plenty of signs