1. BOBRON'S EDITORIAL Short editorial - lots of copy to get in] Apologies to contributors that we have had to edit - not enough space, but we will fit you in next time. A plea for the next issue: can we have more small line drawings to go with copy - it helps to break the pages up and, we think, to make a more attractive bulletin. Thanks are due to David Sampson for the cover, to our many contributors, to Anne Cowlin and Maureen Tolfree for typing the copy and envelopes respectively. END OF BOBRON ---oOo--- PRINCIPAL CONTENTS Page Owl's Feathers by Ruth Phillips ... 2 Mammal Group Annual Report ... 3 The Colchester & Essex Museum by J. J. Heath ... 4 Winter Bird Watching in Epping Forest by M. Hanson ... 7 Have Fun with Trees by Ann Batterbury ... 11 Book Review - Henry Doubleday ... 13 Men & Maps to Remember by Eric Hooper ... 15 Ornithology Groups Annual Report ... 20 Reports of Club Meetings ... 22 New Members ... 31 Future Meetings Summary ... 32