4. Ed. This is the first of a series on the various museums in Essex. NATURAL HISTORY AT THE COLCHESTER AND ESSEX MUSEUM by J. J. HEATH, KEEPER OF NATURAL HISTORY The Natural History department of the Colchester and Essex Museum opened in the former All Saints Church in the High Street in 1958. Of the natural history collections present in the Castle Museum until about 1920, only the geological specimens survived. The new museum, therefore, opened with little in the way of specimens, books or equipment, but within a short while, due to the goodwill of local naturalists, good collections were acquired of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera and the basis of a useful Herbarium. From the beginning it was decided to concentrate on the interation between man and wildlife and on the natural history and geology of north-east Essex. The display collections are our "public face" and they commence with the early Neolithic alterations to the fauna and continue through to the present day with the effects of oil out at sea and chemicals on the land. There are exhibits on the salt-marsh and mud-flats, important in Essex, and we are actively collecting material at the moment to increase our small geological display. We also run small temporary exhi- bitions that at present depict owls, garden birds and the food of some wintering waders. These are changed every three or four months.