6. Also available are many standard identification handbooks on British vascular plants, fungi, seaweeds, lichens, most insect groups, molluscs, spiders, marine worms, crustaceans, birds, mammals, fish, reptiles, amphibia and geology (particularly of the Pleistocene). Please remember that we are unable to lend books. The reference collections are particu- larly strong in Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, birds, mammals, vascular plants and geological specimens with smaller holdings of other insects and invertebrates, mosses and liver- worts etc. Extensive skeletal collections covering mammals, birds, some reptiles and a few fish are used for the identification of bones from archaeological sites. All these collections are available to visitors by appointment as we have limited space. Microscopes and other equipment are available for use in the Museum. We have over the years reared or looked after a wide variety of British birds, mammals and reptiles, from Swifts to Grebes, Squirrels, Hedgehogs, Foxes, Mice, Shrews, etc. and would be happy to pass on such in- formation as we have to others interested in this field or who may have problems of their own. We also know a number of reliable people who are prepared to take over the care of animals with a view to their release back to the wild. Most of our biological material has come from dead specimens brought in by interested people, and we are pleased to receive even common species, as well as the more unusual finds, so that we can extend our collections.