11. HAVE FUN WITH TREES! Whatever your age a nearby tree can give a lot of pleasure, apart from being good to look at. Pick up a twig, count its growth rings (girdle) and say learnedly to whoever's about, "That twig has been growing for (6) years". Most will think it is magic, but you will have gained their interest. First begin by noticing the changes in your chosen tree (or trees) throughout the years. 1. "Weather effects" on the tree, snow, wind, drought. 2. Buds; flowers before leaves or after? How many people know that all trees have flowers. When do the bud scales fall off? 3. Does it have leaves or needles? How big? (measure) What shape are they? 4. Do the flowers hang down or go up? What about the fruit. Is it soft or hard? 5. Do the leaves fall? When are the new buds formed? 6. Is there any colour change in the bark, depending on its age? 7. If your tree has needles, can you tell which are the oldest? There are many more questions that you can ask