19. moved from fieldwork to the Tower of London in 1840, but the offices were burned down the following year. Colby moved to the new Headquarters in Southampton in 1842, retiring there in 1846. The First Edition (or Old Series) sheets were not completed until the 1860's and none was superseded by the first of the New Series ("Second Edition") until 1872. Some time back I came across the 16 sheets of Essex of the New Series, as used by Mr Chalkley Gould of Loughton, an original member of the E.F.C. in the 1880's. Perhaps a few senior members of today entered the scene with the Edwardian Third Edition in colour. More will recall the Fourth Edition of the 1920's and the Fifth of the 1930's. Only the very young will have missed the quiet extinction of the Seventh Series in 1974, at the close of nearly 200 years of the One Inch maps published by the Ordnance Survey. ---oOo--- PRIZE FLOWER QUIZ Congratulations to Mrs Veronica Smith, our winner of the quiz in the previous bulle- tin. She has received a £2 book token. The correct answers were: 1. Dandelion 2. Fat Hen 3. Primrose 4. Crab-apple 5. Knapweed 6. Stinging Nettle 7. Dock 8. Scarlet Pimpernel 9. Angelica 10. Stonecrop 11. Chickweed 12. Sage 13. Speedwell 14. St. John's Wort 15. Ragged Robin 16. Clover 17. Teazel 18. Charlock 19. Forgetmenot 20. Sow Thistle 21. Buttercup 22. Yellow Archangel 23. Ground- sel 2k. Woad 25. Birdsfoot Trefoil 26. Foxglove 27. Horse radish 28. Dogs Mercury 29. Coltsfoot 30. Hemlock