20. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ORNITHOLOGY GROUP for 1977/78 In its inaugural year the bird group was very active. Although no surveys were wholeheartedly taken on, pleas for records of Nightingales and other unusual species gained some response. However, the main realm of activity of the group was undoubtedly in the range of both indoor and field meetings held through- out the year. Reports of most of these meetings are to be found in the Bulletins, but the following account summarises the bird group's year. Attendances at all of our meetings were well above average, varying from 35 to 60. A spring visit to some interesting woodland at the Lower Forest near Epping recorded extraordinarily large numbers of Greenfinches, as well as Nuthatch, Tree Creepers, Green Spotted Woodpeckers and other woodland species. Hylands Park was cold and unseasonable for the time of year but it did produce a Tawny Owl perched in a tree, and some of the Warblers. At Mill Green a wide variety of birds were encountered, but we were disappointed that no reliable song of the Nightingale was heard. Tree Pipits were present but much less abundant than in 1976. A June visit to Danbury Common on a cool cloudy day recorded 39 species including Tree Pipits, both Whitethroats, Blackcaps and