21. a beautiful sighting of a Yellow Wagtail feeding fledged young. A Nightingale was also seen. At Tiptree Heath Redpolls and Linnets were very numerous, and down on the marshes at Tollesbury a huge flock of over 500 Curlew were seen. Yellow Wagtails and Wheatears on migration were seen here as well as along the River Stour at Manningtree. Other Manningtree birds included a Kingfisher and Bearded Tit. During the winter, Martin Henry gave a well illustrated talk on bird photography. February saw us out on the marshes again. This time at the new Country Park at East Mersea where as well as numerous waders (Turnstones, Sanderling, Ringed Plover, Dunlin etc.) 14 Brent Geese and a distant Scoter, probably a Common Scoter, were seen. We also had good views of four Snipe by a pond in a wet meadow. At Thorndon Park this April, Nuthatches and Tree Creepers were seen in the same tree. All three Woodpeckers were heard or seen and Tree Pipits sang from perches but refused to entertain us with their customary parachuting song flights. I. P. MISSELBROOK (Sec.) ---oOo--- ROOKERY CENSUS. The Essex Field Club Ornitho- logy Group are conducting a survey of Essex Rookeries next Spring (l979). All your records are welcome. Please tell us how many nests there are, and the number and type of tree they have built in. Send the record complete with exact location, preferably a six figure map reference to the bird recor- der Mr. M. T. Parker, 14 The Ridgeway, Ingatestone, Essex.