22. REPORTS OF CLUB MEETINGS Waders at Cudmore Grove Country Park, East Mersea - 26th February 1978 This was the Club's first Ornithology meeting at this Country Park at East Mersea. In spite of a rainy start to the day and a very high wind blowing off the sea, 51 members and friends attended. The tide was coming in as we arrived. It was not long before all members had seen numerous Turnstone, Sanderling and about 20 Brent Geese. Probably the commonest birds seen near the sea edge were Turnstone, Dunlin and Redshank. A few Grey Plover and Sander- ling were seen by the water's edge, and not far away 13 Cormorants were noticed on a metal edifice. Close to the entrance to the Park is a pond which had been cleaned out, and it was here that at least three Snipe were recorded, together with about 30 Moorhen in the meadows nearby. In spite of the overcast weather, a bit of sunshine, and a high wind, a Robin was heard singing lustily. The meeting ended at about 3.30 after which the total number of birds seen was 30, a good number for a very enjoyable and successful meeting. M. T. PARKER Thorndon Park - 23rd April 1978 60 members and friends attended this meeting on a very sunny spring day. The large party was divided into three. Many